Paper 2011/329

Hardness of Computing Individual Bits for One-way Functions on Elliptic Curves

Alexandre Duc and Dimitar Jetchev


We prove that if one can predict any of the bits of the input to an elliptic curve based one-way function over a finite field, then we can invert the function. In particular, our result implies that if one can predict any of the bits of the input to a classical pairing-based one-way function with non-negligible advantage over a random guess then one can efficiently invert this function and thus, solve the Fixed Argument Pairing Inversion problem (FAPI-1/FAPI-2). The latter has implications on the security of various pairing-based schemes such as the identity-based encryption scheme of BonehFranklin, Hess’ identity-based signature scheme, as well as Joux’s three-party one-round key agreement protocol. Moreover, if one can solve FAPI-1 and FAPI-2 in polynomial time then one can solve the Computational Diffie–Hellman problem (CDH) in polynomial time. Our result implies that all the bits of the functions defined above are hard-to-compute assuming these functions are one-way. The argument is based on a list-decoding technique via discrete Fourier transforms due to Akavia–Goldwasser–Safra as well as an idea due to Boneh–Shparlinski.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. CRYPTO 2012 paper full version
One-way functionhard-to-compute bitsbilinear pairingselliptic curvesfixed argument pairing inversion problemFourier transformlist decoding.
Contact author(s)
dimitar jetchev @ epfl ch
2012-05-21: revised
2011-06-22: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Alexandre Duc and Dimitar Jetchev},
      title = {Hardness of Computing Individual Bits for One-way Functions on Elliptic Curves},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2011/329},
      year = {2011},
      url = {}
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