A Parallel Repetition Theorem for Leakage Resilience
Zvika Brakerski and Yael Tauman Kalai
A leakage resilient encryption scheme is one which stays secure even against an attacker
that obtains a bounded amount of side information on the secret key (say
bits of ``leakage''). A fundamental question is whether
parallel repetition amplifies leakage resilience. Namely, if we
secret share our message, and encrypt the shares under two independent keys,
will the resulting scheme be resilient to bits of leakage?
Surprisingly, Lewko and Waters (FOCS 2010) showed that this is false. They gave an
example of a public-key encryption scheme that is (CPA) resilient to bits
of leakage, and yet its -repetition is not resilient to even
bits of leakage. In their counter-example, the repeated
schemes share secretly generated public parameters.
In this work, we show that under a reasonable strengthening of the definition of
leakage resilience (one that captures known proof techniques for achieving non-trivial
leakage resilience), parallel repetition \emph{does} in fact amplify
leakage (for CPA security). In particular, if fresh public parameters are used for each copy of the Lewko-Waters scheme, then
their negative result does not hold, and leakage is amplified by parallel repetition.
More generally, we show that given schemes that are resilient to
bits of leakage, respectfully, their direct
product is resilient to bits. We present our
amplification theorem in a general framework that applies other cryptographic primitives as well.