Paper 2010/611

Statistical Analysis of Reduced Round Compression Functions of SHA-3 Second Round Candidates

Ali Doğanaksoy, Barış Ege, Onur Koçak, and Fatih Sulak


National Institute of Standards and Technology announced a competition in 2008, of which the winner will be acknowledged as the new hash standard SHA-3. There are 14 second round candidates which are selected among 51 first round algorithms. In this paper, we apply statistical analysis to the second round candidate algorithms by using two different methods, and observe how conservative the algorithms are in terms of randomness. The first method evaluates 256-bit outputs, obtained from reduced round versions of the algorithms, through statistical randomness tests. On the other hand, the second method evaluates the randomness of the reduced round compression functions based on certain cryptographic properties. This analysis gives a rough idea on the security factor of the compression functions.

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
Statistical Randomness TestingCryptographic Randomness TestingHash FunctionsSHA-3 Competition
Contact author(s)
onur kocak @ metu edu tr
2010-11-30: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ali Doğanaksoy and Barış Ege and Onur Koçak and Fatih Sulak},
      title = {Statistical Analysis of Reduced Round Compression Functions of {SHA}-3 Second Round Candidates},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2010/611},
      year = {2010},
      url = {}
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