Paper 2010/497

Number formula and degree level of ergodic polynomial functions over Z/2nZ and generalized result of linear equation on ergodic power-series T-Function

Tao Shi and Dongdai Lin


Jin-Song Wang and Wen-Feng Qi gived the sufficient and necessary condition that a polynomial function f(x)=c0+c1x+c2x2++cmxm with integer coefficients modulo 2n(n3) is a single cycle T-function, That is, f(x) generates a single cycle if and only if c0, c1 are odd, 1,2 are even, 1+2+2c1,10\funcmod4, and 1+2c2,0+2c1,10\funcmod4, where 1=(c2+c4+),2=(c3+c5+). A Linear Equation over the coordinate sequences of sequence generated by iterated the polynomial single cycle T-function, that is,% \begin{equation} x_{i+2^{j-1},j}=x_{i,j}+x_{i,j-1}+ajA_{i,2}+a(j-1)+b\func{mod}2,3\leq j\leq n-1 \label{equ.1} \end{equation}% given , where , be the j-th bit of . is a sequence of period and a, b are constants determined by the coefficients . In this paper, using Anashin's general theory, some detail combinatorial result of stirling numbers and Larin's result , we can give the counting formula for the given degree polynomial ergodic(single cycle) T-function. Then, for fixed , we can know, what's the least degree that all the single-cycle polynomial transformations can be expressed as the polynomials that degree does not exceed over . we deduce that Jin-Song Wang and Wen-Feng Qi's result is a special case of ours, and their linear relation on the coordinate sequences generated by single cycle polynomial T-function can be extended to a more general function class. The equation shows that the sequences generated by these T-functions have potential secure problems.(Thanks for professor Anashin's hint for the motivation of this paper)

Note: Thanks for professor Anashin's hint for the motivation of this paper

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
T-function{\small \ }ergodic power-series
Contact author(s)
shitao @ is iscas ac cn
2010-10-12: withdrawn
2010-09-27: received
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