Paper 2010/059

A New Framework for RFID Privacy

Robert H. Deng, Yingjiu Li, Andrew C. Yao, Moti Yung, and Yunlei Zhao


Formal RFID security and privacy frameworks are fundamental to the design and analysis of robust RFID systems. In this paper, we develop a new definitional framework for RFID privacy in a rigorous and precise manner. Our framework is based on a zero-knowledge (ZK) formulation [7, 5] and incorporates the notions of adaptive completeness and mutual authentication. We provide meticulous justification of the new framework and contrast it with existing ones in the literature. In particular, we prove that our framework is stronger than the ind-privacy model of [14], which answers an open question posed in [14] for developing stronger RFID privacy models. Along the way we also try to clarify certain confusions and rectify several defects in the existing frameworks. Based on the protocol of [16], we propose an efficient RFID mutual authentication protocol and analyze its security and privacy. The methodology used in our analysis is of independent interest and can be applied to analyze other RFID protocols within the new framework.

Note: Section 5.4 is added.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Published elsewhere. Extended abstract appeared at ESORICS 2010.
Contact author(s)
ylzhao @ fudan edu cn
2011-01-25: last of 2 revisions
2010-02-08: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Robert H.  Deng and Yingjiu Li and Andrew C.  Yao and Moti Yung and Yunlei Zhao},
      title = {A New Framework for {RFID} Privacy},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2010/059},
      year = {2010},
      url = {}
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