Paper 2009/534
Weaknesses and improvement of three-party authenticated key exchange protocol using elliptic curve cryptography
S. Wu
Quite recently, Yang et al. presented an efficient three-party authenticated key exchange protocol based upon elliptic curve cryptography for mobile-commerce environments. In this paper, we demonstrate that Yang et al's three-party authenticated protocol is potentially vulnerable to an unknown key-share attack and impersonation attack. Thereafter, we suggest a secure and efficient three-party authenticated key exchange protocol for mobile-commerce environments. Our improved protocol has the following advantages over Yang et al.'s protocol: (1) our scheme combines two factors to strengthen its authentication mechanism; (2) our scheme simply utilizes each user's unique identity to accomplish authentication, eliminating maintenance of a lot of users' keys. Furthermore, our scheme is more efficient than Yang et al's scheme. Therefore, the end result is more suited to be a candidate for implementation in mobile-commerce environments.
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
- Keywords
- three-party authenticated key exchangeelliptic curve cryptography
- Contact author(s)
- pqwsh @ yahoo com cn
- History
- 2010-07-04: withdrawn
- 2009-11-05: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License