We consider the well known Fermat factorization method ({\it FFM}) when it is applied on a balanced RSA modulus , with primes and supposed of equal length. We call the {\it Fermat factorization equation} the equation (and all the possible variants) solved by the FFM like (where ).
These equations are bivariate integer polynomial equations and we propose to solve them directly using Coppersmith's methods for bivariate integer polynomials. As we use them as a black box, our proofs will be brief.
We show first that, using Coppersmith's methods, we can factor in a polynomial time if , with
using the fact that the Newton polygon of is a lower triangle
we show a better result: we can indeed factor in a polynomial time if .
Unfortunately this shows that using Coppersmith's methods for bivariate integer polynomials is no better than the FFM, because in that case the FFM is immediate. This is confirmed by numerical experiments.
We then propose another method: solving the {\it modular} Fermat factorization equation
Since Coppersmith's methods for {\it modular} multivariate integer polynomial equations are {\it empirical}, there relies on the the famous {\it "resultant heuristic"}, we get
only an empirical method that can factor in a polynomial time if .
We conclude with proposals for future works.