Paper 2009/115

Scalable Compilers for Group Key Establishment : Two/Three Party to Group

S. Sree Vivek, S. Sharmila Deva Selvi, Deepanshu Shukla, and C. Pandu Rangan


This work presents the first scalable, efficient and generic compilers to construct group key exchange (GKE) protocols from two/three party key exchange (2-KE/3-KE) protocols. We propose three different compilers where the first one is a 2-KE to GKE compiler (2-TGKE) for tree topology, the second one is also for tree topology but from 3-KE to GKE (3-TGKE) and the third one is a compiler that constructs a GKE from 3-KE for circular topology. Our compilers 2-TGKE and 3-TGKE are first of their kind and are efficient due to the underlying tree topology. For the circular topology, we design a compiler called 3-CGKE. 2-TGKE and 3-TGKE compilers require a total of O(nlgn) communication, when compared to the existing compiler for circular topology, where the communication cost is O(n2). By extending the compilers 2-TGKE and 3-TGKE using the techniques in \cite{DLB07}, scalable compilers for tree based authenticated group key exchange protocols (2-TAGKE/3-TAGKE), which are secure against active adversaries can be constructed. As an added advantage our compilers can be used in a setting where there is asymmetric distribution of computing power. Finally, we present a constant round authenticated group key exchange (2-TAGKE) obtained by applying Diffie-Hellman protocol and the technique in \cite{DLB07} to our compiler 2-TGKE. We prove the security of our compilers in a stronger Real or Random model and do not assume the existence of random oracles.

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
Group Key ExchangeCompilersTree Based Group Key ExchangeCircular topologyReal or Random ModelScalability.
Contact author(s)
ssreevivek @ gmail com
2009-04-09: last of 2 revisions
2009-03-13: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {S. Sree Vivek and S. Sharmila Deva Selvi and Deepanshu Shukla and C. Pandu Rangan},
      title = {Scalable Compilers for Group Key Establishment : Two/Three  Party to Group},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2009/115},
      year = {2009},
      url = {}
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