Redundant -adic Expansions I: Non-Adjacent Digit Sets and their Applications to Scalar Multiplication
Roberto M. Avanzi, Clemens Heuberger, and Helmut Prodinger
This paper investigates some properties of -adic expansions of
scalars. Such expansions are widely used in the design of scalar
multiplication algorithms on Koblitz Curves, but at the same
time they are much less understood than their binary counterparts.
Solinas introduced the width--adic non-adjacent form for
use with Koblitz curves. This is an expansion of integers
, where is
a quadratic integer depending on the curve, such that
implies ,
like the sliding window binary recodings of integers.
It uses a redundant digit set, i.e., an expansion of an integer using
this digit set need not be uniquely determined if the
syntactical constraints are not enforced.
We show that the digit sets described by Solinas, formed by elements
of minimal norm in their residue classes, are uniquely determined.
Apart from this digit set of minimal norm representatives, other digit sets
can be chosen such that all integers can be represented by a width-
non-adjacent form using those digits. We describe an algorithm
recognizing admissible digit sets.
Results by Solinas and by Blake, Murty, and Xu are generalized.
In particular, we introduce two new useful families of digit sets.
The first set is syntactically defined.
As a consequence of its adoption we can
also present improved and streamlined algorithms to perform the
precomputations in -adic scalar multiplication methods.
The latter use an improvement of the computation of sums and differences of
points on elliptic curves with mixed affine and López-Dahab
The second set is suitable for low-memory applications, generalizing an approach
started by Avanzi, Ciet, and Sica. It permits to devise a scalar multiplication
algorithm that dispenses with the initial precomputation stage
and its associated memory space. A suitable choice of the parameters of the
method leads to a scalar multiplication algorithm on Koblitz Curves
that achieves sublinear complexity in the number of expensive curve operations.
author = {Roberto M. Avanzi and Clemens Heuberger and Helmut Prodinger},
title = {Redundant $\tau$-adic Expansions I: Non-Adjacent Digit Sets and their Applications to Scalar Multiplication},
howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2008/148},
year = {2008},
url = {}
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