Paper 2008/048
Improved Cryptanalysis of APOP-MD4 and NMAC-MD4 using New Differential Paths
Donghoon Chang, Jaechul Sung, Seokhie Hong, and Sangjin Lee
In case of security analysis of hash functions, finding a good collision-inducing differential paths has been only focused on. However, it is not clear how differential paths of a hash function influence the securities of schemes based on the hash function. In this paper, we show that any differential path of a hash function can influence the securities of schemes based on the hash function. We explain this fact with the MD4 hash function. We first show that APOP-MD4 with a nonce of fixed length can be analyzed efficiently with a new differential path. Then we improve the result of the key-recovery attack on NMAC-MD4 described by Fouque {\em et al.} \cite{FoLeNg07} by combining new differential paths. Our results mean that good hash functions should have the following property : \textit{It is computationally infeasible to find differential a path of hash functions with a high probability}.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Secret-key cryptography
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
- Keywords
- MD4Differential PathAPOPNMAC.
- Contact author(s)
- pointchang @ gmail com
- History
- 2008-01-30: received
- Short URL
- License
@misc{cryptoeprint:2008/048, author = {Donghoon Chang and Jaechul Sung and Seokhie Hong and Sangjin Lee}, title = {Improved Cryptanalysis of {APOP}-{MD4} and {NMAC}-{MD4} using New Differential Paths}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2008/048}, year = {2008}, url = {} }