Paper 2007/258

UICE: A High-Performance Cryptographic Module for SoC and RFID Applications

Ulrich Kaiser


In order to overcome proprietary algorithms with respect to the system manufacturers, a free cryptographic module, the Universal Immobilizer Crypto Engine (UICE), will be proposed. This UICE algorithm is tailored to 8-bit microprocessor architectures and is therefore very fast in software and hardware. The dedicated hardware implementation leads to a small gate count, because the registers for input and output are shared. The important non-linear function, here an 8 x 8 S-Box, may be built as a gate array or small ROM with the advantage of flexibility. Several tests – statistical and random-number tests - have been performed in order to analyze the strength properties of the algorithm. So far no weakness was found after ten rounds of encryption. Although this cryptographic module was intentionally developed for Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) systems, it is a proper choice for all systems needing embedded cryptography such as SoC with bus encryption or firmware to be secured. RFID-Systems have become commonplace in access control and security applications, the usage and importance of cryptographic co-processors in RFID transponder devices has grown significantly. Improved vehicle security systems, also known as immobilizers, are required due to increased vehicle theft worldwide. Such devices provide high security at low cost and low power.

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
cryptographic co-processorRFIDembedded systemcar immobilizerauthenticationnon-proprietary algorithmUICE
Contact author(s)
d-kaiser @ ti com
2007-07-03: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Ulrich Kaiser},
      title = {{UICE}: A High-Performance Cryptographic Module for {SoC} and {RFID} Applications},
      howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2007/258},
      year = {2007},
      note = {\url{}},
      url = {}
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