Paper 2007/170

Clone Resistant Mutual Authentication for Low-Cost RFID Technology

Stephane Lemieux and Adrian Tang


With Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags being used to secure contactless credit cards, great benefits but also serious security and information privacy issues have arisen. Recently many attempts have been made to resolve these issues. In particular, attempts have been made to provide a means for authentication between tag and reader. However, none have yet have been able to provide resistance to cloning attacks. Furthermore, authentication on lowest range of low-cost RFID tags, also remains a challenge. We propose a clone resistant, mutual authentication scheme that requires only 32 bits of read write memory, 90 bits of read only memory and can be deployed using as few as 300 logic gates. We also propose a stream cipher with the same memory constraints and magnitude of logic gates. These systems may also be scaled to provide a high level of security, using relatively little computational resources, on larger hardware platforms.

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
RFIDCloningPrivate Key Mutual AuthenticationContactless Credit Cards
Contact author(s)
stephane lemieux @ acadiau ca
2007-05-08: revised
2007-05-07: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Stephane Lemieux and Adrian Tang},
      title = {Clone Resistant Mutual Authentication for Low-Cost {RFID} Technology},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2007/170},
      year = {2007},
      url = {}
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