Paper 2005/238
Simple and Provable Secure Strong Designated Verifier Signature Schemes
Raylin Tso, Takeshi Okamoto, and Eiji Okamoto
In this paper, we introduce a simple strong-designated verifier signature (SDVS) scheme which is much more efficient than previously proposed SDVS schemes. In addition, with only one more parameter published by the signer, this scheme can provide signer's forward security. That is, the consistency of a signature cannot be verified by any third party even if he/she knows a signer's private key. Thus the privacy of a signer's identity is protected independently in each signature, if the designated verifier's private key has not been disclosed. In addition, this scheme can be easily modified to a designated verifier signcryption scheme with virtually no additional cost. We will also show that the proposed scheme is provably secure in the random oracle model.
- Available format(s)
- -- withdrawn --
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
- Keywords
- signatureanonymity.
- Contact author(s)
- raylin @ cipher risk tsukuba ac jp
- History
- 2005-09-25: withdrawn
- 2005-07-30: received
- See all versions
- Short URL
- License