Paper 2005/166

Tate pairing computation on the divisors of hyperelliptic curves for cryptosystems

Eunjeong Lee and Yoonjin Lee


In recent papers \cite{Bar05} and \cite{CKL}, Barreto et al and Choie et al worked on hyperelliptic curves Hb defined by y2+y=x5+x3+b over a finite field \Ftn with b=0 or 1 for a secure and efficient pairing-based cryptosystems. We find a completely general method for computing the Tate-pairing over divisor class groups of the curves Hb in a very explicit way. In fact, the Tate-pairing is defined over the entire divisor class group of a curve, not only over the points on a curve. So far only pointwise approach has been made in ~\cite{Bar05} and ~\cite{CKL} for the Tate-pairing computation on the hyperelliptic curves Hb over \Ftn. Furthermore, we obtain a very efficient algorithm for the Tate pairing computation over divisors by reducing the cost of computing. We also find a crucial condition for divisor class group of hyperelliptic curve to have a significant reduction of the loop cost in the Tate pairing computation.

Note: Minor corrections have been made.

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Published elsewhere. Unknown where it was published
Tate pairing computationhyperelliptic curve cryptosystemspairing-based cryptosystems
Contact author(s)
ejlee @ kias re kr
2005-08-22: last of 2 revisions
2005-06-06: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Eunjeong Lee and Yoonjin Lee},
      title = {Tate pairing computation on the divisors of hyperelliptic curves for cryptosystems},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2005/166},
      year = {2005},
      url = {}
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